Name 姓名:
Chad Tang
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
United States of America
My Current Area
China Guangdong Guangzhou Haizhu
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Bing Jiang Dong Street
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private and Corporate Classes 企培EDU - Universities and International Schools 大学/国际学校EDU - Exam Prep 应试强化EDU - Home/Private Tutoring 家教EDU - Other Teaching Jobs 其它教育类职位
Preferred Job Location
My Strong Points
Building Rapport, Outgoing, Confident Presenter
Profile & Introduction

12/15 – 07/16 English First, Guangzhou, China
Acting Education Manager / Senior International English Teacher
Hold weekly meetings with center managers/leaders
Hold monthly meetings with Guangzhou Regional Education Manager and other Center Education Managers
Plan & Implement training sessions for teachers, sales staff, and service staff
Collaborate with sales team and service team to meet sales goals, attract new customers, and provide superior service
Give performance appraisals to teachers based on feedback from students, other teachers, sales staff, service staff, and other managers

07/14 – 12/15 English First, Guangzhou, China
English Environment Co-ordinator / Senior International English Teacher
Provide students with English Corners/ Cultural activities to encourage a better english environment
Hold referral events to attract potential customers/students
Provide training sessions to new teachers
Co-ordinate with centers/schools to hold regional events throughout guangzhou

07/12 – 07/14 English First, Guangzhou, China
International English Teacher
Teach students essential English language and grammar skills
Provide Powerpoint presentations about Western Culture
Give feedback on students’ performances to students, parents, and staff

07/11 – 07/12 TT-Elite Education Group, Guiyang, China
Foreign English Teacher
Teach students Oral English
Provide students with information about Western culture
Teach high school students about basic Economics

11/10 – 07/11 Inner Mongolia Medical College, Hohhot, China
University English Teacher
Teach all students college-level English
Teach medical students Medical English
Provide English Majors with English-speaking skills

07/09 – 10/10 Asian Americans For Equality Inc., New York, NY
ESL / Civics Teacher
Teach adults English as a second language
Provide civics lessons in U.S. history
Assist students in achieving their citizenship

Queens College, City University of New York
01/06 – 01/10 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics

TEFL Certificate
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