Name 姓名:
linda Bangwayo
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
South Africa
My Current Area
China Zhejiang Hangzhou
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Zhejiang gongshang xiasha campus
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private and Corporate Classes 企培EDU - Private Institutes and kindergartens 学龄前/幼儿园EDU - Other Teaching Jobs 其它教育类职位Marketing/Advertising/PR 市场/广告/PRRetail/CustomerServices/Travel/Hospitality 零售/客服/旅游
Preferred Job Location
Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang
My Strong Points
l work hard and wholeheartedly in everything l do.
Profile & Introduction
My name is Linda Chido Bangwayo. l stay and grew up in South africa. I studied in Zimbabwe my Olevel and l did my high school in South Africa. l have taught 3~6 years kids in South africa for one year 2014~2015.l love children .l often visit Little Angels home in South africa to play with disabled children. l am an outgoing undergraduate student at Zhejiang Gongshang University in Hangzhou studying international law.l have been awarded best debate student .l am hopefully looking forward for a job and show my inspiration to everyone.

Yours sincerely

Linda Bangwayo

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