Name 姓名:
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
My Current Area
China Liaoning Jinzhou
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
吉祥新家园 1-19 锦州 辽宁
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private Institutes and kindergartens 学龄前/幼儿园EDU - Home/Private Tutoring 家教Nannies/Baby Sitters/Helpers 英文家政/看护Retail/CustomerServices/Travel/Hospitality 零售/客服/旅游Sales/Business Development 销售/商务拓展
Preferred Job Location
Beijing,Shenyang,Harbin, Jinzhou
My Strong Points
Effecient, adaptive, active and polite
Profile & Introduction

March 2009- December 2011 United Methodist Church Title: Sunday School Teacher
January 2012 – September 2013 Edgars Stores Title: Customer Service Assistant January 2012 – September 2013 PSMI Title: Software Development Intern

Current studies: Software Engineering 2nd Year 2013 – 2017 (Bohai University China) Bsc Marketing and Communication (ZOU)
• ‘A’ Level – Regina Mundi Girls High School, Gweru (2011 - 2012)
• ‘O’ Level - Westridge High School, Harare (2007 - 2010)

Christian Education Training for Sunday School Classes (United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe)
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