Name 姓名:
Hussein Assaf
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
My Current Area
China Guangdong Zhongshan
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Bei Qu, Xiaolan
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private and Corporate Classes 企培EDU - Universities and International Schools 大学/国际学校EDU - Exam Prep 应试强化EDU - Home/Private Tutoring 家教EDU - Other Teaching Jobs 其它教育类职位
Preferred Job Location
My Strong Points
Punctual, diligent, good with people
Profile & Introduction

Seven years of teaching English in China, including primary, middle and high school students as well as oral and business English to adults and SAT/IELTS/TOEFL preparation. I also tained teachers on teaching methodologies.
Co-taught a sophomore course in International Relations at McGill University.

B.S.: Business Administration (USA)
B.A.: Political Science: Canada.
Graduate studies: International Relations at McGill University.
TEFL Certicate: Oxford Seminars, Canada

Won several awards student and teaching awards.
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