Name 姓名:
Evan Heib
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
United States of America
My Current Area
China Guangdong Shenzhen Futian
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
United Plaza
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private and Corporate Classes 企培EDU - Universities and International Schools 大学/国际学校Creative/Arts/Design 创意/设计/艺术Professional Services/Consulting 咨询服务Academic/Science/Research 科研学术
Preferred Job Location
Futian District
My Strong Points
Intelligent, Patient, Innovative, a Quick Study
Profile & Introduction

Camp Agawam, Camp counselor, Raymond, Maine, Summer of 2009 – Summer of 2013
• Instructor in woodshop, shooting, basketball, and baseball
• Organized events and activities for the cabin and camp
• Collaborated with numerous colleagues

Rye YMCA Volunteer, Instructor, Rye, New York, Winter of 2009 – Present Day
• Assisting Instructor of martial arts
• Providing education in self-defense and discipline to both children and adults

Private Tutor
Fordham University, New York City, New York
Major: History and Political Science
Graduation Date: May/2015
GPA: 3.0

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