Name 姓名:
Neola Muhambi
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
South Africa
My Current Area
China Zhejiang Hangzhou
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Xixi Wetland Area
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private Institutes and kindergartens 学龄前/幼儿园EDU - Other Teaching Jobs 其它教育类职位Creative/Arts/Design 创意/设计/艺术
Preferred Job Location
My Strong Points
Improve student’s auditory capacity
Profile & Introduction
Taught Primary school children(3-13yrs old), mainly Reading, Writing and Comprehension. I enjoyed this
experience as it helped the children to familiarize and grasp concepts used in the English Language at an early
Also coached Tennis and swimming full time, and Field hockey part time. This is part of what I enjoy doing as
well as it involves outdoor activities and helping the children to stay healthy and fit.
Classroom Teacher & Part time Assistant
Taught 9-11yr old children English Comprehension, Spelling and Arts.
Helped the children to enter National competitions for Poetry and Prose.
Taught kindergarten children Nursery Rhymes, Drawing, Tracing and Painting
Taught elementary children in China Jiangsu, basic English and Grammar
Taught kindergarten children in China Jiangsu, drawing shapes, coloring and Nursery rhymes

I have studied English Literature and English Language as a Cambridge Course and attained an A and A*
Jiangsu University
I have recently studied Computer Science and Technology for 2 years, hence improving my computer literacy.

Certified Celta holder.
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