Name 姓名:
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
United States of America
My Current Area
China Zhejiang Hangzhou
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private and Corporate Classes 企培EDU - Private Institutes and kindergartens 学龄前/幼儿园EDU - Online/Phone Teaching 在线教育EDU - Elementary & Secondary Public Schools 公立中小学EDU - Middle/High School Institutes 私立补习班
Preferred Job Location
Enlish tutor
My Strong Points
• Can form quick and productive relationships with
Profile & Introduction

• I have been teaching English language as a part-time job to Chinese students both individually and online for more than twoyears. My duties was to help pupils to improve their conversational English, writing and reading, arranging homework for students, stressing the importance of context to language learning in Hello kitty school and sunshine school in shanghai.

Bachelor's degree
TOEFL Certificate
(attached are my certs)

contact 联系方式