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Near Lido Hotel and the new Embassy Area
Dongzhimen Subway
Chaoyang Park, in Maizidian Street
Chaoyang Park Maizidian Street
7500 Cny/ M | 1br
REF:256008 | Posted on 19-12-29
Close to Lufthansa Sanlitun Business Circle, Chaoyang Park
No. 1 Guanghua Xili, Chaoyang District, Beijing
near Dongsishitiao subway
6000-8000 | 1br
REF:256000 | Posted on 19-12-29
near Dongzhimen subway
Nearby Sanlitun,Russian embassy,Dongzhimen subway station
Line 8 Andeli north street station
8000-10000 | 2br
REF:255997 | Posted on 19-12-28
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