Jobs & Resumes Housing Marketplace MyPage VIP Upgrade MyCity
Price Details
2200rmb per_month 
Rooms or Size
House/Apmt Area
Chaoyang District Guomao (World Trade Center)/CBD 
Specific Location
Shuangqiao Subway Station Near Bisu 
Nearby Subway / Buses
Shuangqiao Subway Station Near Bisu 
AD Type
Long-term Residential Rent 
Building Height
Building Total Floor : 0   The Place is at Floor :0 
AD by
An Agent  

Looking for a Housemate in Shuangqiao Subway Station Near Bisu
Hi guys
We're looking for roommate(s),the room is quite big,it can suit for 2,if you are studying at BISU or CUC,Shuangqiao is your best mall and supermarket just next to the metro station,and our apartment is behind the Wanda plaza, it named:shuang hui yuan community.
If you living here my son Joseph is 10 years old boy, he can help out with your spoken Chinese and shoppings.
We're easy going just take easy to stay with us.
The rent is 2200rmb per_month for one person, and if 2 people will be 2600rmb pre-month, the prices are includes the utilities already, no other fees.
Our apt is on the fifth floor of sixth, no elevator right now.105sqm,3 bedrooms,1 kitchen,1 bathroom.
If you are interested with my ad feel free to contact me.

See you soon

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