European Mansion
1. Property type: 70 years commercial housing
2. Project location: 20 minutes' walk from Tiancun station of Metro Line 6 and 15 minutes' walk from Yuquan Road Station of Metro Line 1
3. Plot ratio: 1.63 (low density community)
4. Total number of households: 473
5. Property company: developer's own property
6. Property fee: 4.88 yuan
7. Greening rate: 30%
8. Delivery time: December 2021
9. Parking ratio: 1:1
Area on sale:
138 square meters, two bedrooms, total price: 11.50-13.72 million
172 square meters, four rooms, total price: 14.1-16.05 million
Total price of 238 ㎡ four houses: 19.33 million
For more information, please email Or send a text message to Ms. Ma at