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10001-15000 rmb/month| 1) 年龄:25-35岁,对少儿英语教育有独到见解和丰富经验者优先。 25-35 years old,...
1) 年龄:25-35岁,对少儿英语教育有独到见解和丰富经验者优先。
25-35 years old, has unique insights on the children's English education and experience is preferred.
2) 性格活泼开朗,热爱幼少英语教育事业,富有爱心,责任心,和亲和力,通晓少儿心理;
outgoing, love children English education, with love, responsibiliy and can truly understand the needs of kids.
have high respoonsibility and good spirit of team-work.
Expertise in terms of talent songs, body language and drawing will be preferred.
5) 参加过教学培训者优先考虑。
Participates in teaching training will be preferred.
Contact:请发简历给我们 合则约见。
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Shenzhen baoan | Sevon
ID:223182 | 2015/08/02/00点
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