| Prefer graduated from certain universities like:
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Colu...Prefer graduated from certain universities like:
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Stanford, Pennsylvania, California Technology, Massuchusetts Technology, Duke, Dartmouth, Chicago, Northwestern, JohnsHopkins, Washington, Brown, Cornell, Rice, Vanderbilt, NotreDame, Emory, Georgetown, CarnegieMellon, California, SouthernCalifornia, Virginia, WakeForest, Tufts, Michagin-Annarbor, NorthCarolina, Boston, William & Mary, NewYork, Brandels, Georgia Technology, Lehigh, Rochester, CaseWesternReserve, Rensselaer Polytechnic, Texas, Wisconsin, Miami, Yeshiva, Tulane, etc.
About 20 classesweek.
40 minutesclass.
8:00am-5:00pm; or 9am--6pm. Have lunch break.
Monday to Friday;or Wednesday--Sunday.
Teach primary and middle, high school students oral English.
Will provide housing: Single or shared.
Will process working visa from abroad;
If you are already in China, working visa or F visa preferred.
Free meals at the school.
One year contract.
Paid on the 15th.
Winter & Summer holiday pay.
The school has summer or winter camp.
Both male & female teachers are welcome.