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| Job Description PLTFRM is seeking a bilingual Art Director to join its team i...
Job Description

PLTFRM is seeking a bilingual Art Director to join its team in Shanghai.

In a jungle of plants, smell of coffee and scent of fruit, you will be sitting on a comfy leather chair in front of a slick designed-in-California computer. After the usual morning chat, you will work your a** off to provide the best design you ever done like your life depends of it (and it actually does, doesn't it?) for 8h a day and a modest pay check at the end of the month that will allow you to go enjoy the CNY break in Pataya.

You will work for a flying-hospital, a candy maker, a start-up brewery, an international apothecary, and an alchemist of the 21st century from China and other countries alike.

The ideal candidate...
Doesn't use the usual design graphic/web soft', but masters them
Already won the "World's Best Colleague" award
Always manages to keep cool even when the client changes the yellow tone for the 18th time
Always manages to keep cool either when the work is "for yesterday"
Guides clients not to "make the logo bigger", and they agree with you
Does not understand why Angry Birds is so popular
Speak multiple languages, listens to music from any horizon, and collects books on obscure subjects
Enjoys the Friday night pizza+beer at the office
ID:227214 | 2015/10/13/20点
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