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| Full time kindergarten position offered: Campus: 1. Lanting Kindergarten, 556...
Full time kindergarten position offered:
1. Lanting Kindergarten, 556, Laifang road, Jiuting town, Songjiang District, 2km northward to Jiuting Stop, Metro 9
2. Shuangyang Kindergarten, 5 min. walk from Huangxing Road stop, Metro 8
Candidate must be:
1. BA degree or above
2. Kindergarten teaching experience
3. Citizen from Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand
We offere:
1. Work permit and Visa
2. Health insurance
3. Summer (15) and Winter(5) paid vaction
4. Contract fulfilled Bonus ( 1 month salary)

Starting date: August 1. 2015
| Full time position Kindergarten
ID:223126 | 2015/07/31/20点
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