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| 职位描述 International Teacher Employment Information 1. Qualifications Nat...
International Teacher Employment Information

1. Qualifications
Native English speaker from Canada, USA, UK and Australia
Bachelor degree or above, TEFL or TESOL certification is acceptable
(For ESL teachers)
Bachelor degree or above, professional teacher certification is necessary
(For programmes teachers)
A passion for teaching and experiencing different cultures
Good health and friendly personality
Two or more years teaching experience

2. Salary
Salary is RMB 150 000 to 290 000/yr. depending on qualifications and experience. A teacher’s workload is 10 months of teaching with over 2 months of summer and winter holidays, the salary is paid over 12 months.

3. Benefits
Contract Renewal Allowance: RMB 1000 per month except the summer and winter holidays
Work Visa and Residence Permit: The school will arrange the work visa and residence permit for the teacher.
Medical Insurance: The school offers the high-level insurance package issued by Ping An Insurance Company of China, Ltd. in certified Chinese hospitals appointed by Ping An Insurance Company, maximum RMB 8,000,000.
Airfare: Reimbursement of 1500-2000 USD for a teacher’s economy class round trip airplane ticket each year.
Housing Accommodation: The School will provide a furnished apartment.
Teaching Bonus: Range from RMB 1000-7000 based on teaching evaluation results each year.

4. Teacher’s Workload
Workload is 30 teaching periods (40 minutes per period) per week.
Guangzhou | 广州华美英语实验学校
ID:222242 | 2015/07/16/08点
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