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| Job Details, Work Hours: 25 teaching hours (your actual teaching hour will less...
Job Details,
Work Hours: 25 teaching hours (your actual teaching hour will less than 25 hours) + 10 office hours weekly. Maximum 25 classes / week, each class being 45 minutes, Monday – Friday, classes will be between 8AM-12AM, and 2:30-5:30PM.
Positions available: Kindergarten, Primary school, Middle school, High school, international schools, ACT/SAT programs, A-level programs and University English teacher.
School Location: Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan.
Age Groups: We have schools of all ages. As a reference, the student’s ages are as follows.

Kindergarten 3-7
Primary 7-13
Middle school 13-16
High school 16-19
University 19 up
Language Centre All levels

Contract Period
1st /September. 2015 – 15th / July. 2016
Positions are two semesters or longer. Arrive one week early for training, cultural immersion, and school/apartment placement.
The Payment would be between 10,000 – 12,500RMB per month (or more)depending on your qualifications and abilities.
Package A: 8, 000- 10,000 RMB per month (or more) + flight reimbursement +Hotel reimbursement + accommodation + the accident insurance
Package B: 10,000-13,000 RMB per month (or more) + the accident insurance
Guangzhou | Worlda International Education
ID:218336 | 2015/04/27/07点
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