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12K~15k| 1.       School name English West Red Gate Campus 2.       Contact Hou 3.    ...
1.       School name English West Red Gate Campus
2.       Contact Hou
3.       Phone
4.       Address Beijing Daxing District West Red Gate
5.       Student Age 3-12 years
6.       The curriculum is from Tuesday to Friday 1:30-8 o ' clock, 9 o ' clock on weekends
7.       The rest time shall be established two days and
8.       Wages are paid 9 times a month, 15th.  Whether you can handle the work sign or not
10.  Teacher demand: Mother-tongue female mother-tongue male > non-native mother > non-native language (Middle East, India not)
11.  Whether to provide accommodation No 12.  Part-time, full-time full-time part-time is available (in favor of full-time) 13. The teacher's salary range 12K~15k
Daxing Yizhuang Fangshan Mentougou
ID:252379 | 2019/04/02/18点
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