Jobs & Resumes Housing Marketplace MyPage VIP Upgrade
30-35K| Native Teachers ASAP 30k - 35k in level 2 cities! : GD, HB, BJ, HZ - China Ag...
Native Teachers ASAP
30k - 35k in level 2 cities!
: GD, HB, BJ, HZ - China
Age Group: 5-12 years old 👫
Work Days: Tues - Sun.
Total Hours: 40 a week
Group Size: 15 kids MAX
Salary : 30k - 35k a mo.
Housing: Included
Benefits: Medical & flights
Holidays: All PAID ⛷
Type: Kindie, Prim & Middle
Visa: OK - We Provide
🇺🇸🇬🇧 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 NATIVES ONLY
GD, HB, BJ, HZ - China
ID:244232 | 2018/10/01/16点
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