| We are interested in hiring talents who can teach English Language from Home 3ho...We are interested in hiring talents who can teach English Language from Home 3hours per day. This Online Home teaching job can be done from home or any part of the world remotely. We are in search of both applicants who are natives and non natives to apply with us. The job is a flexible part time job with an hourly salary of 200-300 per hour along with other good benefits.
A good CV or valid passport,
Able to work atleast 10 hours per week including weekends and weekdays
Ability to speak and write English
Ability to relate with students very well and also understand their problems
Conduct an online client with our chinese local employees
Teach them how to speak and write English
Conduct one on one lessons
| a training center
ID:236689 | 2016/09/17/11点