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| Company: Compass Education Centre (CEC) Location: TongZhou Block TongHu Street,...
Company: Compass Education Centre (CEC)
Location: TongZhou Block TongHu Street,HeBin Road,Moon River village JinBao International Kindergarden(通州区,通胡大街,河滨路,月亮河度假村,金宝国际幼儿园)。
Class Size: 6 children
Age of Children: 3 to 12
Number of Classes: 8
Other: Some Marketing is required

For the position:

Salary: 12,000 to 14,000 rmb (based on experience)

Accommodations: 2,000 rmb a month,
Cost of Airfare (After one year of services)

Bonuses: Will be determined on Performances

Hours of Work: 26 hours per weeks

Monday to Friday – Afternoon and Weekends
Saturday – 8:15 to 4:30 pm
Sunday – Off

Paid Vacation: 2 weeks off for Christmas
3 weeks off for Spring Festival
2 weeks off in spring
4 weeks off in August
1 week off in October

Bachelor Degree or TEFOL Certification course of 120 hours or more
Criminal Record Check
Preferably 2 years working experience, but not necessary
Good with Children
One year commitment
Located from: Canada, America, UK, Australia, South Africa, or Ireland
Tongzhou District | Compass Education Centre (CEC)
ID:234564 | 2016/05/09/21点
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