| If you can teach French in HaiDian District in the evenings or on the weekends o...If you can teach French in HaiDian District in the evenings or on the weekends or anytime when you are available, we will be your best choice!
We offer one-to-one tutoring part time jobs for qualified teachers! The teaching hours and places are very flexible! We can arrange students near you.
The students average age range is from 4 to 45 years old, so you can choose students in any age that you want to teach.
You can work at a comfortable environment, will have a satisfactory salary, and choose the time you can teach. Besides we will choose the appropriate students for you to make sure that you will have happy working time with your lovely students.
If you're interested, please email your Resume/CV, reference letter, scan of any degree or certificate and a photo to us.
Haidian District
| a training center in Haidian,Beijing
ID:214178 | 2014/09/23/21点