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350RMB/hour| Need 1 FEMALE native teacher in Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen. [握手][微笑] Students: ...
Need 1 FEMALE native teacher in Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen. [握手][微笑]
Students: class group, kids in Primary school.     
Material: Provided by institution       
Requirements:With 1 year experience above, and hold teaching certificate,
Schedule: about 12 lessons, from 15th Jan~26th Jan .
Location: Near Bihaihan metro line, about 8mins from Xixiang metro line 1.

Payment: 350 RMB for one hour    
Send your CV and Teaching video or call if u are interested.
PT | Shenzhen
ID:247763 | 2018/12/12/14点
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