Jobs & Resumes Housing Marketplace MyPage VIP Upgrade
| Part-time: Fluent in English,Relative working experience or background is nee...
Fluent in English,Relative working experience or background is needed.

Full-time Required Qualifications:
Fluent in English, Native speakers preferred
2-year's relative working experience or background is needed
TESOL/TEFL Certification is preferred
Children's English teaching experience preferred
Payment Span:
RMB 15000-30000 Yuan/month and we will help you deal with work visa
Teaching Place:
Fu cheng men 阜成门or you can have class at the place near your domicile.
About Us:
Sino Education, accredited by the Chinese Education Ministry, is the leading English training school in Beijing. We provide a fun and professional method for adults and children alike.
With excellent teachers and supportive staff in a pleasant environment, demand for our services is growing at the same rate as Beijing’s development. Now , we have 5 branches in Beijing. We need more excellent teachers to join us.
our address: Block C, Five Building, Chegongzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.
PT | | a training center
ID:240114 | 2018/03/02/10点
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