| We are hiring part time TV presenters to work on various ongoing TV shows focuse...We are hiring part time TV presenters to work on various ongoing TV shows focused on all things China produced in a format for a western audience. Production work may be daily, weekly or occasional depending on the show. The ability to provide editorial insight/creative development input for your production would be a distinct advantage. Content will be aired in the United States and across Asia on cable, satellite and local affiliates/stations. All content is in English language.
The successful candidate will also be responsible for working on supporting materials for the production they present for such as sizzle reels, promos and other short form content. They may even become involved in our TV advertising campaigns and other corporate productions from time to time.
We are looking for candidates with a big personality, a strong command of the English language, confidence and the ability to improvise! Broadcast experience or a drama degree is not essential, but you do need determination and enthusiasm for this type of work. Some travel around China may be required in order to produce a television series.
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ID:227193 | 2015/10/13/19点