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| China’s English Broadway Theatre, the largest locally produced English theatre ...
China’s English Broadway Theatre, the largest locally produced English theatre in China, presents such family friendly shows as Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the Broadway musical Guys and Dolls, Neil Simon’s comedy The Odd Couple, and more. 北京中英百老汇 (, 中国的英文百老汇剧场,是中国本土制作的最大英文剧场,上演适合家庭观看的演出,诸如莎士比亚的罗密欧与朱丽叶,百老汇音乐剧红男绿女,内尔西蒙的喜剧古怪的一对。

Kids Theatre Camp 儿童戏剧营
Beijing Academy of Performing Arts, children’s theatre in partnership with Beijing Playhouse, presents seven kids theater camps per year—including five this winter. 北京中英百老汇演艺学院全年共举办7次儿童戏剧营 -冬季,春节,春季,秋季各一次,夏季三次 - 学年中还举办多次课外活动。

Between productions of main stage shows, Beijing Playhouse directors and actors organize kids theatre camps to expose children to all facets of performing arts. Students age 6-14 learn acting, singing, dancing, prop making, costumes and set painting. Each kids theatre camp runs for two weeks, Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 4 pm. All camps end with a show on the closing Saturday afternoon. 在各个舞台演出间隙,北京中英百老汇的导演和演员举办儿童戏剧营,向儿童展示演出艺术的方方面面。6岁-14岁的儿童可以学习表演,唱歌,跳舞,道具制作,服装设计和布景绘画。每一次儿童营为期两周,周一到周六,早九点到下午四点。每次儿童营都以周六下午的演出作为结束。

Academy of Performing Arts Choreographer 演艺学院编舞
We’re looking for a dance teacher to choreograph 6 short songs to children age 6-14. Dances are to children’s songs about one minute in length and are sung a cappella in the show. 我们正在招聘一名舞蹈老师为为6首简短的歌曲编排适合6-14岁儿童的舞蹈。舞蹈需要一分钟长,在演出中清唱。

Teaching time is 12 camp days (lunch is provided). Time commitment also includes teaching on audition/enrollment days, set up day, strike, and planning meetings with director and music director. Any prep work that is to be done on one’s own time. As the children have limited music experience and two weeks to learn/rehearse, the songs will be simple and can incorporate any style. 教学时间为营地时的12天 (提供午餐)。也要求试镜/注册时,安排演出时,与导演和音乐指导开会时有时间。准备工作需要占用自己的时间。

Requirements 职位要求
Applicant for the Choreographer position should: 编舞职位的成功应聘者应:
• Have previous experience with children
• Prior dance experience.
• Will be living in Beijing for a long time
• Be very good English speaker. Being able to communicate effectively in Chinese is an advantage; and
• Have a passion for children’s theatre!
• 有与儿童打交道的经验
• 有舞蹈经验
• 将在北京居住较长时间
• 英文流利。能够用中文有效沟通将加分,并且
• 对儿童戏剧充满热情!

Hours/Compensation 工作时间/薪酬
BPAPA Choreographer is a part-time permanent position. The position is full time during the theatre camps. The position pays 5,000 RMB per camp.
PT | | Beijing Playhouse
ID:225625 | 2015/09/12/20点
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