Eva in Shenzhen:
Its open to anyone, Chinese or foreigners, you can do it as part time and some Chinese people are also doing it ,Eva:13823619335! Now hiring at the Secret Spot cafe in Longgang District,Shenzhen,China. Competitive salary, room and board, free use of surfboards, on site cooking and bar training, and the opportunity to practice English with foreign customers. Swimming, English, and cooking ability are all a plus, but no experience required. Eva:13823619335! “I personnaly work there everytime i have a free weekend and i freaking love it!”[呲牙] 西涌海边秘点咖啡招聘夏日员工,热爱大海,对工作能积极热情,如果你会烹饪和英文可以优先加入,如果没有任何经验也没关系,我们可以培训你调酒,现煮咖啡,和简式西餐烹饪,在我们秘点工作可以让你的英语快速提升,包食宿,免费提供冲浪板使用,重要是还有相应的丰富工资为您的辛劳付出成果!如果有兴趣加入秘点吧!